Upgrading SugarCRM Print

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Upgrading SugarCRM is pretty straight forward, but not without risk to your data. 

Before starting make sure any modules or customizations are compatible with the new version of SugarCRM or that upgrades are available for them.

1) Backup your data.  Login to cPanel and use the "Backup Wizard" to create a backup to download and save to your PC. Be sure to include the database.

2) Check that you have a backup.

3) Check the version that is currently installed, login to SugarCRM and click About.  You will need this to select the correct upgrade packages.

4) Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/sugarcrm/files/SugarCRM%20Release%20Archive/ to download the the upgrade file to your PC. Depending on the version of SugarCRM that is currently installed it may take 2 or more upgrade steps.  For instance if your current version is 5.1.x you will need to first use the upgrade file "SugarCE Upgrade 5.1.0 to 5.2.0l.zip" to upgrade to 5.2.0l,
then "SugarCE Upgrade 5.2.0 to 5.5.1.zip" to upgrade to 5.5.1,
then "SugarCE Upgrade 5.5.1 to 6.1.0.zip" to upgrade to 6.1.0,
then "SugarCE Upgrade 6.1.x to 6.2.6.zip" to upgrade to 6.2.6,
then "SugarCE Upgrade 6.2.x to 6.3.3.zip" to upgrade to 6.3.3,
then "SugarCE Upgrade 6.3.x to 6.4.6.zip" to upgrade to  6.4.6,
then "SugarCE Upgrade 6.4.x to 6.5.15.zip" to upgrade to 6.5.20 ( the newest version at the time of this post. )

5) login to SugarCRM with an admin account. Click Admin -> Upgrade Wizard.
Follow the upgrade prompts in the upgrade wizard.
Once complete, test the system, it is a good idea to test after each upgrade step if there are more than one.
If there are any errors, try searching the SugarCRM forums for solutions.

If there is not a resolution, restore the backup through cPanel, and try the upgrade again.

If there are any error messages during the upgrade process please forward them to support@m8solutions.com along with a discription of what caused the error.

More information here: http://forums.sugarcrm.com/f115/upgrade-paths-latest-sugarcrm-release-37762/


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