- First and the most important step is – backups. You have to take a backup of your existing vTiger CRM database and the files. The way the migration/upgrade works is that it will overwrite the existing files as well as update the database, so again the backups are crucial and there’s no way to revert back from vTiger CRM 6.0 to vTiger CRM 5.4. This can be accomlished using cPanel Backup wizard.
- The second step is download the vTiger CRM 6.0 Upgrade/Migration tool. It can be downloaded from here
- Place the downloaded file into your vtigercrm directory and extract it. ( FTP and/or cPanel File Manager)
- Once the extracted, open up your browser and go to http://www.yourvtiger.com/vtigercrm/migrate/index.php. (replace yourvtiger.com/vtigercrm/ with your vTiger crm host/directory/URL).
- You should have already taken the backups, so go a head and check “I have taken the backup of the database” as well as “I have taken the backup of source code“.
- Enter your existing vTiger CRM admin password.
- Hit “Start Migration“
- You will need the Database connection username DB name and server. Server is probably localhost, DB and User can be seen in cPanel -> File Manager -> vTiger install root / config.inc.php
- It should then open a “Migration Wizard” which will replace the files and run the necessary queries to update the database. Assuming everything went well – you will be able to click “Next“.
- The final page will open up confirming successful migration, then hit “Finish” you will be redirected to your shinny new vTiger CRM 6!
If there are errors.
Google the error.
Check the vTiger Forums for the error and possible fixes or work around.
If the vTiger is not usable or the error is not fixable, use the backup to restore vTiger to 5.4, Try running the upgrade again...
If there is anything that is not clear, or if these instructions can be improved please let us know.